ShaoCon Policies & Procedures

As a Member and attendee of ShaoCon (the “Convention”), you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct throughout the entire event.

Remember the 3 Don’ts:

1. Don't break the law

2. Don’t act unethically

3. Don’t behave like a jerk.

While that sums it up, here are some additional guidelines for clarity.

1. You must wear your membership badges at all times to be admitted to any Convention activity. Think of it as your entry ticket to all the fun—yes, you really do need to wear that badge! Kids aged 6 and under don’t need badges since ShaoCon is free for our youngest martial artists and eSports enthusiasts. However, Safety will be checking badges for everyone else. To avoid being asked if your child is under 7, you can pick up a wristband at Registration, though it's not mandatory. If you’re old enough to drive, you're old enough to wander the Convention solo. We trust you'll follow the rules and face the consequences if you don't. However, attendees under 16 need to have a parent or guardian with them at all times.

2. If you lose your membership badge, you’ll need to get a replacement, and there are specific requirements for that. You cannot give, sell, or transfer your badge or membership to anyone else.

3. Possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 is a strict no-no and will get you expelled from ShaoCon without a refund. It's the law!

4. Please keep any behavior that could offend polite fans private and in your hotel rooms.

5. While we sympathize, ShaoCon and its staff are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property, or any injuries you might sustain during the Convention.

6. Events and guests announced in advance are subject to change or cancellation without notice. We'll do our best to announce any changes online, in pre-Convention publications, and in our onsite newsletter, but last-minute changes can happen.

7. We reserve the right to ask you to leave the Convention without a refund if you’re behaving poorly. Harassment of any kind—including physical or verbal threats, unwanted attention, stalking, pushing, shoving, or any use of physical force; causing disturbances that are disruptive or dangerous; lewd, offensive behavior or language; using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct; profanity; obscene gestures; or racial, religious, or ethnic slurs—will not be tolerated. If someone tells you “NO,” respect their boundaries. Continued attempts to contact them may result in your removal from the premises and revocation of your membership. There is more information about our harassment policy below.

8. ShaoCon has a strict *no weapons* policy that will be firmly enforced. All weapons must be non-functional and peace-bonded. No working projectile weapons are allowed, including water pistols, silly-string guns, and ping-pong shooters. Bladed weapons must be cased or sheathed at all times. No showing off or goofing around with weapons in common areas. Any weapon used aggressively will be confiscated, and you’ll face consequences. Use your best judgment; with your cooperation, we can continue to allow peace-bonded weapons. Thanks!

9. Real firearms are not allowed at ShaoCon. This includes attendees with a Georgia Weapons Carry License or similar permits from other states. ShaoCon Safety, hotel security, and local law enforcement will treat anything resembling a real weapon as a real weapon. Attendees who ignore this policy may be asked to leave and have their membership revoked. Violators can also be arrested, and ShaoCon does not post bail. (Sworn law enforcement officers are exempt from this policy.)

10. NO SLEEPING IN THE HALLS OR LOBBY! If you're found napping in public areas, you’ll be asked to return to your hotel room. If you don’t have a room, hotel or venue security will ask you to leave.

11. Please respect our hotels and convention facilities. This includes refraining from putting signs on walls. Public notice boards are provided. Room party and event announcements can be dropped off at our Information Desks for inclusion in the Daily Shao. And please, don't damage the facilities—we’d like to do this again next year, indoors.

12. It is against the rules of ShaoCon and all associated hotels to place or distribute flyers/cards in any designated space. Flyers/cards left on open tables in the convention area will be promptly discarded. If you are distributing materials in unauthorized areas, you will be asked to stop. If you continue, you will be removed from the Convention.

13. You are responsible for any and all damage you cause to hotel or Convention property. If you damage hotel or Convention property, or even other attendees’ property, you may lose your badge and forfeit your membership.

14. Costumers, remember that no costume is not a costume—there are public nudity laws in Georgia. Please wear appropriate (or at least sufficient) clothing in common areas.

15. If you think you can make money doing it at the Convention, then you should do it as a Sponsor, Exhibitor, Presenter, Performer, or Guest. It’s probably not allowed unless you have written permission from ShaoCon. This especially applies to taking pictures, videos, or audio recordings of the amazing happenings and people at ShaoCon. Or, as our lawyers like to put it: All ShaoCon members and attendees are prohibited from taking, recording, or creating films, digital pictures, videos, tapes, sound recordings, or any other visual or auditory reproduction of any kind whatsoever of any ShaoCon guest, member, volunteer, or employee, or of any ShaoCon event, including but not limited to the ShaoCon Battles, any ShaoCon forum, seminar, session, dance, or performance, for any commercial use or for the solicitation of funds for any commercial or other purpose, without the express written permission of ShaoCon, Inc.

16. Additionally, only our ShaoCon Guests are allowed to sell photographs taken at the event. If you've spent all year perfecting your costume, please let others take pictures of you freely. Be proud of your accomplishment, but not so proud that you demand or accept payment, tips, or donations. This is the Honor of ShaoCon.

17. We love all the great photos our fans take at the Convention and have seen some really creative methods, too. NO Selfie Sticks. Please leave your selfie sticks and other hand-held extenders for cameras or mobile devices at home. If you want a picture with someone in an awesome Mad-Eye Moody costume, ask a friend or a passerby to take it. Or, if you prefer, just use your arms for selfies.

18. We love seeing and hearing you so much that we might use any pictures or recordings taken of you. But don't expect any payment for their use.

19. No drones, no lighter-than-air objects, whether powered or unpowered, may be flown, tethered, released, or deployed at any event, common space, lobby, Vendor Hall, meeting, or function room at the Convention.

20. Ballrooms will be cleared between each panel. Due to limited space, we need your cooperation and assistance with the following:

21. Listen to our Volunteeroes and hotel staff when forming lines (they're like black belts in crowd control and usually have good reasons for their instructions). "There can be only one" (line) – please don’t start your own line or form multiple lines for the same event. Such rogue lines won’t be honored, and you’ll be sent to the back of the official line started by our Volunteeroes. The line for the next panel can only start forming once the current panel is inside and seated.

22. **Exception(s)**: You can start lining up one hour before the first panel of the day or, in the rare case that the ballroom is empty, you may start lining up once the last panel is seated. We may start seating early in these cases, so be sure to check the schedule and updates.

23. Please be considerate of others and don’t break in line and don’t use professional line holders. If you’re caught, you’ll be sent to the End of the Line. Show respect for those needing special assistance and allow them access to designated areas. Don’t sit in seats or areas reserved for their use. And remember, no running, flying, parkouring, or tumbling to your seat!

24. We are still navigating the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and its ever-evolving variants, much like the timeline variances in Loki. By attending ShaoCon, you agree to follow any and all COVID-19 protocols set by the Convention, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.

25. You acknowledge that the Convention will host thousands of attendees, all indoors and in close proximity to one another. This means you are assuming the risk of contracting COVID-19 or one of its variants while traveling to or from ShaoCon and throughout the duration of the event.

26. Under Georgia law, ShaoCon and its personnel are not liable for any illness, injury, or death that may result, wholly or in part, from COVID-19 or its variants. You accept the risk of any illness, injury, or death that could arise from contracting COVID-19 or a variant during the Convention, including traveling to or from the event, entering any of the hotels, or participating in any Convention activities.

27. ShaoCon reserves the right to revoke or suspend memberships and badges. If you break a Convention rule, you might find yourself banished, either for a few hours (perhaps to cool down and regain your inner zen) or for the rest of the event. If you break the law—be it local, state, or federal—you might face the real-life consequences and be arrested. Have a Nice Day!

28. If you've been accused of harassment and feel that you were treated unfairly, you can appeal to the ShaoCon Chair. However, their decision will be final, like the ultimate martial arts master’s ruling.

29. Georgia makes it a crime to secretly record a phone call or in-person conversation "originat[ing] in any private place" unless one party to the conversation consents. The law also makes it a crime to use a device to "observe, photograph, or record the activities of another which occur in any private place and out of the public view" unless the person making the recording gets the consent of all the persons observed.

30. For more details on ShaoCon's harassment policy or if you believe you've experienced harassment, please read on.

31. At ShaoCon, we pride ourselves on creating a safe, fun, & creative environment where everyone can freely express themselves. Any form of offensive or harassing behavior is strictly prohibited. It's crucial that if you experience harassment or feel unsafe, you report it immediately. We can only address issues that we are aware of, so please provide as much detail as possible, including names, badge numbers, pictures, video, or any other identifying information.

32. If you feel harassed, locate the nearest ShaoCon volunteer. Our Volunteeroes are easily identifiable by their brightly colored lanyards labeled "Volunteeroes." They will guide you to Operations at the Century Center Marriott. If you believe there is an immediate threat to your safety or others, contact the DeKalb County Police Department via 911 for emergencies.

33. As a member of ShaoCon, if you witness harassment or inappropriate photography/recording (where the subject is unaware), we encourage you to speak up and intervene. (See Rule 29) We must stand united to ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect. As a community, Together Everyone Achieves More!

34. Awwww Yeah… Most importantly, have a blast— This Is ShaoCon! We want you to thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie, the tournament spirit, and the festival’s excitement. Just, remember to do it safely! 😀




